Do the Right Thing
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Do the Right Thing

Our enjoyment of Ireland’s hills and crags comes with a responsibility to care for the place we’re visiting, and to be considerate towards landowners and local residents.

Access to Land

Most land on the island of Ireland is privately owned, by individuals or jointly owned as commonage. While signposted walking routes are established with the permission of landowners, in the vast majority of areas used by hillwalkers and climbers there is no formal access arrangement in place. Even though most landowners allow walkers and climbers onto hill and coastal land, continued access depends on each of us acting responsibly.

Park Carefully

Avoid blocking gateways or narrow roads, remember that large farm vehicles or the emergency services may need access.

Carpooling saves valuable parking space, it also reduces CO2 emissions. In unmarked parking areas make sure space isn’t wasted between vehicles. Leave no bags or clothing visible in your car.

Dogs may not be welcome

Due to the presence of farm animals, dogs are not welcome on farmland and in most upland areas. Disturbance by dogs also reduces the ability of birds and other wildlife to rear their young.

Please respect farm animals and wildlife by not taking dogs onto the hills.

Prevent erosion

Damage to vegetation and soil from repeated footfall is the biggest impact of recreation in upland areas. Keep to the centre of the path, even when it’s wet or muddy, this prevents damaged areas becoming wider.

Leave no litter behind

Litter takes from the beauty of the landscape and it can be harmful to wildlife. People are more likely to drop litter in places where litter is present. Pack a spare bag to take away all litter, including biodegradable items such as fruit peels and tea bags.

Put something back

Make a conscious effort to support the areas where you walk and climb by using local shops, cafés, pubs and other services. This is noticed and appreciated by local communities. Where there’s an honesty box in a car park, make sure to contribute.

For more advice on responsible enjoyment of the outdoors:

Check out the Access & Responsible Recreation section of Mountaineering Ireland’s Irish Peaks book, look through our RESPECT series, explore the rest of this section, or contact [email protected].

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