Staying Safe
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With the correct training and equipment, climbing is safe. The very clear and present risk with climbing means that when people climb, they are very conscious of safety. 

Safety Tips

Buddy Check

When outdoors, always wear a Helmet

Know Your Limits - Know When to push Them And When To Hold Back

Climbing Helmets

Put A Lid On It!

Imagine seeing someone on a motor-bike drive past you, imagine that they are not wearing a helmet. Can you remember the last time you saw someone ice climbing, or alpine climbing? Was that person wearing a helmet? Now think of the last time that you were out trad-climbing. Were you wearing a helmet? Were the other climbers at the crag wearing helmets?

Climbing has changed so much since the days of ‘the leader shall not fall’. Modern ropes and harnesses allow us to try hard on rock – falling is now a regular part of trad-climbing for a lot of climbers. When trying hard on a trad-route there is a lot going on. Often there are two ropes to manage – perfect to go behind a leg. Gear to the left, gear to the right, protruding blocks, or little ledges – all ideal to create an awkward fall. It is easy to envisage a fall where you get flipped upside down by your rope, and in this situation, it could be your head that takes the brunt of the force. So, why not protect it?

Modern Climbing Helmets

Climbing helmets are now so light and comfortable that it is difficult to come up with any reasons why not to wear one. Most modern climbing helmets are so comfortable that you can forget that you are wearing it! They tend to be very well vented, with more than enough airflow for anything an Irish Summer could shine at it. They are light, almost unbelievably so. Despite being so light, they seems to be more than robust enough to survive life in and out of rucksacks.

No doubt, in a few years’ time even better technology will be discovered that will allow climbing helmets to become even more wearable and protective. For now, it is fair to say that there are a range of helmets available which are highly wearable and will not negatively impact on your climbing performance.

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