Training Grants

Training Grants

Mountaineering Ireland places a high value on training and the concept of self-reliance for walkers and climbers. We appreciate that cost can sometimes be a barrier to training. Consequently, Mountaineering Ireland operates a number of grant schemes to support clubs and individuals undertaking mountain training courses.

The Mountain Training Board Ireland, MTBI, administers these training grants on behalf of Mountaineering Ireland. These grants are open to all Mountaineering Ireland members.

There are two grant options available to most clubs & individuals; 

1) Club Training Grant to support clubs whose members are doing recognised mountain training courses such as Mountain Skills and Mountain Leader. Individual members of Mountaineering Ireland can also apply for grants under this scheme. Club/Individual Training Grant         

2) a Club Mentor Scheme to support clubs that bring in an instructor to provide tailor-made training. Club Mentor Scheme

How To Apply For Grants?

Please complete the application form clearly, filling in each section. Give as much information supporting your eligibility for a grant as possible. If you have any queries please contact the Training Office at Mountaineering Ireland.   

 Application Form

Who can apply?
This grant scheme is open to all paid-up Mountaineering Ireland individual members & clubs with more than 10 members (except those that have already been approved for another Mountaineering Ireland Training Grant in the current membership year). The application should be submitted by the Club Secretary on the official training grant form.

Preference will be given to:

•Clubs that have not previously received a Training Grant
•New clubs
•Training that brings leadership and new skills into a club
•Members that volunteer in youth projects
•Clubs with a high proportion of young members
•Clubs with a larger number of people participating in training
•Clubs that could not otherwise afford such training.

Grant approval:
Applications are reviewed twice a year (typically in June and November) by Mountaineering Ireland’s training board, Mountain Training Board Ireland.
Training can be carried out either before or after you receive grant approval, however payment will not be made until after training is completed. We ask that all training should be completed and receipts received within 6 months of grant approval being given so that funds are not tied up for an unduly long period of time.

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