Our Responsibility
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Our Responsibility

Mountaineering Ireland's Vision for the Future of Ireland's Mountains and Upland Areas

In March 2017, following a process of member consultation, Mountaineering Ireland agreed its vision for the future of Ireland’s mountains and upland areas:

"Ireland’s mountains will be valued and protected as environmental, cultural and recreational assets."

To achieve this, Mountaineering Ireland will work with others who share a concern for Ireland’s upland areas to highlight the many benefits these areas provide to society and to emphasise the need for integrated policy measures focused on protecting upland landscapes, maintaining communities and rewarding sustainable farming practices.

Mountaineering Ireland encourages its clubs and individual members to celebrate Ireland’s mountains and upland areas, to show that these areas are special and worthy of greater attention and investment, and that they must be conserved and looked after for the benefit of future generations.

Read the full Vision document here

A summary of the Vision is available here

Mountaineering Ireland will work tirelessly to achieve its goal of “reasonable access to the upland areas and a network of paths allowing for access to these areas for responsible users”. It is the desire of Mountaineering Ireland to have achieved this during the present programme for government through working in partnership with landowners, state bodies, recreational users and any other concerned groups. If however, it becomes apparent, during the present programme for government, that the goal of Mountaineering Ireland is not being supported by the said parties, Mountaineering Ireland will review and carefully examine the need for legislation to assist us achieve our stated goal. At this juncture Mountaineering Ireland calls on all political parties to include in their policies, their stated position on management practices for upland, coastal and riverine areas. Mountaineering Ireland is happy to provide assistance and advice to all parties on a non-political basis to ensure that these stated positions and policy papers are in line with best International practices.

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